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Mission Statement

Distribute 1 Million Plants

Working under my father, owner of New Life Nursery Inc. in Perris, CA, has allowed me to work with plants since the age of 8 during the year of 2004. Growing up on a plant field which consists of about 15 acres created my passion on working with dirt and climbing rocks while enjoying the flowers. The rain was always exciting as I got to see the great water flows create rivers which I got to play in. In due time, I was on my way with gaining the professional work experience outside from home for the course of 5 years. In 2019, I was called back home. I part took in a great amount with building up New Life Growers, LLC located in Nuevo, CA. In 2021, I left my career behind in order to stop my family business from falling. In the year of 2023, I branched out to continue on my true calling while staying at home, the plant nursery which is my current designated place on Earth. I have already distributed thousands of plants. My gift back to my Creator is distributing more. One million is my goal.

Fight Global Warming

Every year, we experience fires burning down masses of plants. Plants give us air to breathe. Alone, the varieties of necessary plants would not be able to replace themselves. Us humans tend to tear down plants as well in order to build structures & cities. Distributing plants to other nurseries, landscapers, & homeowners helps redefine our surroundings. Due to global warming, scientists have reported for the coming years of 2050-2070, about one third of Earth’s animal and plant species will become extinct due to the rate the climate change is currently going. This will leave a large portion of Earth inhabitable for humans in 2050 according to NASA. That is only about a few decades away. Many others around the world are doing their part to fight global warming in different ways for the sake of my generation & the generations to come. 

Study Plants

Growing up, I didn't realize how much plants gave us life. Not only do they give us energy retained from the sun, but they also retain medicinal aspects along with hazardous meanwhile some do not carry medicinal or hazardous properties. My father already distributes millions of plants per year as he does grow liners for wholesale nurseries who distribute to stores like Home Depot. Never did he study the details since he was too busy managing the reproduction, distribution, building his greenhouses or shade structures, irrigation, and managing his team. This is where I come into the picture for my community. As I tried to sell to homeowners, I realized I needed to know how they grew. Upon the first couple months of selling, a dog owner who bought an oleander from me mentioned he planted our grown plant where he had a river flowing which led to his life partner dog from dying after he drank the water. I felt horrible and knew I did not want this going forward for the sake of loved animals as well as children. I started to study the plants and then fell into the rabbit hole when I came across the medicinal case studies. I then knew I had to share the knowledge as to what was growing in our garden. I decided to only share concrete studies provided by universities in order to keep everyone in the safe line. A year and a half later, the wife of the son from the founder of  California State University San Marcos came and bought from me who then called me a smart girl for working under university studies. She then pushed me to my next chapter. We currently carry about 350 varieties of plants.

Pest Control

Once meeting the wife of the son from the founder of California State University San Marcos, she advised me I needed to get into pest control. I knew I would have to eventually but I didn't think so soon. About a few days later, a representative from the USDA came to check our yard for pest control. We passed. It is always a bit of a worry since a nursery can get fined for not keeping control. A couple more days passed and another representative from USDA came to see if we were selling citrus trees, which we do not. I took it as a sign for direction from my Creator and decided to ask her about getting licensed in order to spray under regulations. She emailed me the information and told me the test is free which amazed me because I thought it involved school that had to be paid for. All I had to do was purchase a book. During my studies, I realized how it is important to know which chemicals help kill unwanted pests while keeping pests that are beneficial for the plants, therefore beneficial for us. This change in direction all happened within a course of a week. I am still currently trying to finish my studies while attending to sales and marketing. I should be certified by year end of 2023. My additional goal is to offer pest control services for gardens in order to help gain more profit so I may fund a team under my management.

Installing Aquaponics in Homeowner's Backyards

One of the many projects I hold involves aquaponics. I graduated back in 2013 from Citrus Hill High School where I got to attend an engineering class held by Mr. Towne who was also my swim coach. He introduced aquaponics to myself and many other students. I got to have hands on with building the structure and maintenance. I knew I was meant to dedicate myself to it, yet I was still distracted leaving me absent on the finalization for building the project. Now down the line as war has almost came about between Russia, China, and USA, I came to realize our people are not prepared for the shortage of resources. At the moment, I do have a concrete slab down as well as the patio structure. For my structure, I am using an Alumawood patio cover since I did work for the manufacturer while attending contractors and learning about the benefits from it. Alumawood does not burn nor is it easy to tear down from wind. It also lasts longer than wood. I plan on enclosing it with vines in order to insulate the inside while managing the temperature for the system. Part of the patio will be enclosed with polycarbonate which will hold the plant section in order to have infused with CO2 gas since it helps a plant grow almost twice as big and fast. Once I have the formula down and have ran tests in order to provide sufficient food for different amount of family members, I plan to get the installation team going. I also got to work for Nuvia Water while reconstructing their installation team management structure. This allowed me gain experience with dispatching and seeing potential issues from the installations in order to help keep the business safe from lawsuits. Once I have installations going, I plan on having a route for an instructor to help teach family members on how to maintain the system. Not all will want to take advantage of the course, therefore I will offer a maintenance route as well. Once food starts being left over from different homes, I plan on donating to orphans and abandoned children while helping guide the young. 



Yearly taxes needing to be filed & paid to the IRS can be partially donated to charitable contributions. Everyone is able to donate to their selected organization while counting it as a part of their amount dollar value due. I used to believe only businesses could do this, but individuals can as well. You can donate to organizations while using the dollar value for up to 5 years if there is any left over after each year's report. My mission is to help the generations to come in every angle possible by first donating to the high schools around me in order to help fund for sports which do guide on the development of young minds while getting them ready to enter their workmanship chapter of life. I plan to secondly donate to the aquaponics program only being held in Citrus Hill High School. Thirdly will be the 4-H Youth Development Program which helps teach kids on how to take care of nature, including animals. is my funding source in order to get this going. I currently part-take in the committee for the IE Flea Market while partially helping sponsor some marketing with the hope of giving families something to do on weekends. The IE Flea Market is new to the Perris Community and is being held within the Lake Perris Fairgrounds. Many families and kids continue to struggle with depression while staying inside their minds losing their touch to the life outside their household walls. Once I have the donations down, I plan on sharing the knowledge while influencing others to do so as well. IE Flea Market does plan on holding workshops which is open to ideas and bringing in committee members in order to help build a stronger wiser community. IE Flea Market will be hosting a special event November 3rd-4th, 2023 which will involve holding booths for kids looking to gain the experience as an entrepreneur. 

Sport Sponsorships 

(School to be checked off when completed.)

□ Heritage High School

□ Perris High School

□ Orange Vista High School

□ Nuview Bridge Early College High School

Other Program Sponsorships

(School to be checked off when completed.)

□ Citrus Hill High School Aquaponics

□ 4-H Programs

Change starts with you...

RIP to Former Colleagues from the Star Milling Family: Fermin, Crystal, & David

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